Java Best Free Notes 2023 Download PDF | Java Handwritten Notes


JAVA Free Handwritten Notes


Hello, Welcome to this article. If you are studying in school or college going student pursing in Computer Science background or any other background. 

here you will get JAVA Programing notes for free of cost in PDF format.

Learning JAVA is not so difficult as some students think that JAVA is hard Programing Language to master with. But this is nothing but a myth nothing more than that. 

Here, we have came with Best JAVA Handwritten Notes which is written by some other IT Professional.

Written in very easy and understanding language with all the Basic concepts which are building blocks for any of the programing language.

You can simply Download the PDF of JAVA Notes which are absolutely handwritten and free of cost to download. 

Start learning from anywhere no matters from which E-Book or from which PDF. the important thing is to define your path and start learning by your own. 

There are multiple resources like PDF, E-Books, Online Sites from where you can learn not only JAVA but any other programing language for free of cost. 

If you have trouble in understanding just by reading any E-Book of PDF Notes. 

There are multiple YouTube videos and very comprehensive beginner friendly tutorials that you can follow and start your programing journey.

Here is syllabus that ours JAVA Notes (PDF) covers as follows.


1. Introduction to JAVA

2. JAVA Literals

3. Primitive Data types

4. Bits Manipulation

5. Collections

6. Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction 

7. Generics

8. File I/O, etc


JAVA Syllabus In Details:

1. Getting started with JAVA
  • Creating Your First Java Program,  Type Conversion: Numeric primitive casting.Basic Numeric Promotion-Non-numeric primitive casting.
  • Object casting, Testing if an object can be cast using instanceof.


2. JAVA Literals
  • Using underscore to improve readability, Hexadecimal, Octal and Binary Literals, Boolean literals, String Literals.
  • The Null Literal, Escape Sequence literals. Character Literals, Decimal integer literals, Floating-point literals.

3. Primitive Data Types
  • The char primitive, Primitive type cheat sheet, The float primitive, The int primitive, Converting primitive, Double, Long primitive, Negative value representation.


4. Bit Manipulation
  • Checking, setting, clearing, and toggling indivisual bits using long as mask, java.util.BitSet class, Checking if number is power of 2, Signed VS Unsigned shift.


5. Collections
  •  Removing items from a List within a loop, Constructing collections from existing data, Declaring an ArrayList and adding objects.
  • Iterating over Collections, Immutable Empty Collections, Sub Collections, Unmodifiable Collection, Pitfall: concurrent modification exceptions.

6. Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism
  • Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Using 'final' to restrict inheritance and overriding, The Liskov Substitution Principle.
  • Abstract class and Interface usage: "Is-a" relation vs "Has-a" capability,  Static Inheritance, Programming to an interface.

7. Generics
  • Instantiating a generic type, Creating a Bounded Generic Class, Referring to the declared generic type within its own declaration.
  • Binding generic parameter to more than 1 type, Using Generics to auto-cast, Use of instanceof with Generics.
  • Different ways for implementing a Generic Interface (or extending a Generic Class).


8. File I/O
  • Migrating from to Java 7 NIO (java.nio.file.Path), Reading an image from a file.
  • File Read/Write Using FileInputStream/FileOutputStream, Reading all bytes to a byte[], Copying a file using Channel, Writing a byte[] to a file.
  • Stream vs Writer/Reader API, Reading a file with a Scanner, Copying a file using InputStream and OutputStream, Reading from a binary file.


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